Request for Proposal....
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All fields marked with an * are required to be filled out in order to transmit this form

*Mailing Address

street city/state/zip

*Property Address

street city/state/zip

E-mail Address

I am / we are interested in obtaining a proposal for following services:


*How many corners does your property have?
*What is the size of your property (approximate area and/or dimensions)?
*Do you want any intermediate stakes set on the boundary lines?
*Approximately what percentage of your property is wooded area?
*Please state your desired completion time for the work, in terms of weeks:
Comments, if any:

P.O Box 14 - Clinton, MA 01510
Telephone #: (978) 368-1591 -- Toll Free #: (800) 675-1591 -- Fax #: (978) 365-7419

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